Saturday, January 21, 2017


COLLABORATION. Today, there are collaborations among university, research breeding center and seed company or other partners to make plant/crop breeding program. The goals of collaboration to look, oversee, create and develop of breeding program to make/enhance genetic resources base on sharing benefit among partners/stakeholders in other to improve of crop/plant. Subjects of plant improvement in various crops such as: (1) food and tuber crops, (2) vegetables crops, (3) plantation trees, (4) crops for renewable energy, (5) crops of under-utilization, ect.
Particularly, the collaboration is created to achieve a germplasm collection and to use of germplasms to develop and select to be a plant variety as well as to protect with plant protection variety. Furthermore, The collaboration continues to develop of variety using agronomic paradigm and support of spreading of variety (commercialization) is conducted to accurate in placement and segmentation of variety.
Good collaboration is supported by how they are to manage all activities in the process to enhance the business and can be utilized by student/university to enhance the knowledge and sciences. Beside of that, the collaboration can widely to support improving of farmer poverty and support global food security.

Scheme 1. Concept of Collaboration University with Partneer in Breeding Program


WATER MANAGEMENT, Growing together between corn that ready for harvesting and rice that is an irrigated varieties in early growth.  In several locations Southeast Asia, Farmers have only a small number of land size that have pattern of planting (1) corn-corn-rice or (2) corn-rice-rice in every years, the pattern depending of water source, irrigation and drainage facilities. Land with less of water can be planted with 1st pattern and much of water can be planted with 2nd pattern. They share of water in irrigation alternately without disturbing the neighbors.  As inheriting of parents, farmers have a good management to manage of water to make their crops better growing and preserve their relationship with neighbors. In the case, Scientists and breeders have been supporting to develop and create of varieties that have more tolerance to drought and stress of water.  Really, they not only increase the yield of crop productions but also protect the harmony of society.

Friday, January 20, 2017

JAGUNG JALI- JALI CORN (Coix lacryma-jobi L)

JAGUNG JALI (JALI CORN)Latin name: Coix lacryma-jobi L. Local name: Jagung Jali, Job’s tear, Adlay, Mayuen, Chinese pearl barley and Hatomugi. This species is including of Poaceae or Gramineae which is a large family of grasses. Poaceae comprises of the cereals, bamboos, grasslands and pastures. This species used for herb medicine, drinking, etc.  When you visit Jakarta, you will familiar with song of “Jali-Jali” which inspirated from this crop.